The Johnny Cash song "I've been everywhere," plays in the background as I pen this blog. The song has been used in multiple commercials for travel and is appropriate for my travels of late. I have been absent from my blog instead choosing the instant gratification of Instagram and Twitter to mark my travels. I'm slowing the pace here and playing blog catch up.
The final stop on our Alaska cruise was Victoria B.C. All cruise ships that board in the U.S. must have one stop outside the country to comply with U.S. law. This is quite O.K. with us. We love Victoria and have been here on several occasions. We decided to check out Fisherman's Wharf, a short walk from the ship port. I was expecting something commercial like the San Francisco Wharf. Instead it was a low profile wharf with a cute combo of business, residences and fishing boats. Add this to the places we could live. We had no plans or agenda, just to go with the flow. I have found the best adventures occur spontaneously! We wandered about and just then a water taxi showed up and we leaped aboard!
Fisherman's Wharf Victoria B.C. |
Water Taxi Victoria B.C. |
Downtown Harbor Victoria B.C. |
On of our favorite spots to photograph in Victoria is the Empress Hotel. There is such a beautiful garden area with lots of flowers ready to pose for pictures.
Rose Empress Hotel Victoria B.C. |
Here is where the spontaneous adventure occurred. We knew there were bee hives on property and as we approached there was a bee keeper working. He wore no protective gear but both he and the bees were real mellow. The bee keeper explained he was winterizing the bees. Avril has always wanted to keep bees so this was a totally awesome experience! I was in photographic heaven! Can you plan this stuff? A free show included.
Bee Keeper Empress Hotel Victoria B.C. |
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Bee Happy!
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