I need your vote! I feel like a presidential candidate. Today and tomorrow are the last days to vote for my burger on the L.A. Times Battle of the Burgers contest. My burger is the French Onion Burger on page 8 of the contest. You can vote once daily. Here is the link. I'd gladly make you a burger for your vote today.

You got my vote Greg!
Anna- Thank you!!
Good luck! I tried twice to get to LA Times, and both times there was a tollbooth, if you know what I'm saying. Like them on Facebook? Get outta here.
Beautiful burger.
I voted for you today and everyday. I am not a fan of letting them have my information but you are worth it.
cookiecrumb- Thanks for thinking of me.I really don't spend much time on facebook but wanted to compete. My daughter told me that you can unlike them so you don't get their banners/banter :)
Chilebrown- Thank you sir I owe you a burger! The winners get a "behind the scenes" tour of their test kitchen. That made me want to compete. Like I said in the comment to cookiecrumb there is a way to unlike them so you don't get their traffic.
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