Friday, August 19, 2005

You say tomato

At last!! Our crop of backyard tomatoes has started to ripen. We planted a lot of the small varieties. Just pop one in your sweet. Garden to kitchen, can't get more local than that. I have been very envious of cookiecrumbs crop for some time now, I think she has more of a green thumb than us. So what to do with these beauties. I believe in the KISS (keep it simple stupid) style of food. A tomato salad... that will do pig. We used it a couple nights as side dish for dinner.

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tomato salad
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New York steak with baked tater
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grilled pork with bbq sauce and brown rice

Tomato Salad

Assorted sweet tomatoes(cut in half if larger)
Fresh basil, oregano,and parsley
chopped onion
olive oil
lemon or lime juice
salt and pepper

Mix and enjoy!


cookiecrumb said...

Greg, I was gonna ask how your 'maters were doing! Jeez, finally. Well, Miss Smartypants GreenThumb here has a bit of comeuppance to report: My vines are nearly depleted. They don't seem to be making any new blossoms, so I've actually (gasp!) bought tomatoes recently. I probably lurched out of the starting gate a little too soon. Fun while it lasted, though.
Lovely food you're feeding yourself...

Footprint said...

cool blog. but now i'm frickin' hungry. thanks.

cookiecrumb said...

Oh, Greg: You'll need to enable "word verification" on your settings for blogger -- that will foil the spammers.
Go here:
Click the "yes" button for "Show word verification for comments?" and you also have the power to delete all those spammers from the comments page on this post.

Greg said...

Thanks cookie! I come up short on the tech side sometimes.