Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Poverty Kitchen

If you believe my friend Ricco, the tarot card reader, we are about to enter a rocky financial time at the end of this August. We were forced to replace an aged electric range this week. We chose a Maytag with double ovens and all the bells and whistles. It put a pretty good dent in the budget so, all things considered, I started thinking about saving money on food.

I love to spend money on new and exciting food. But I’ve decided the next couple of Blogs will be about frugal eating. The title of this project will be Poverty Kitchen or, for those of you French inclined, Cuisine de Pauvrette. Cheap and easy is the order. Dr. Biggles note this may qualify for your contest.

The first menu is smoked roasted chicken, tossed salad and rice. We fancied up the chicken a bit by roasting on the Weber with a dry rub and using apple wood chips for a smoky, bacon like finish. We also stuffed some sage from our herb box into the cavity. Roasting in the oven with salt and pepper would produce an acceptable alternative. A bag of yuppie chow (mesclum), two tomatoes, one cucumber and balsamic vinaigrette provided salad. Boiled white rice with butter some french bread and that’s all folks. We fed 6 adults for under $10. Most of the ingredients were purchased at Costco. While not gourmet it was enjoyed by all. Be frugal, but enjoy.
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smoke roasted chicken
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most new oven


Guy said...

Heh, I was just reading your post and thought it might be a good entry. Can you send me email with the direct url? So tomorrow when my mind is less fuzzy I'll remember and enter you in the contest.

Congratulations on the new range. I went looking a few years back, looking and looking. The rig I wanted was about 3.5k and that didn't include the vent hood. So I opted to have mine repaired. It was a 170 repair, more my speed. The performance of my 1952 Wedgewood is outstanding, especially since I hotrodded the burners into flame throwers. Those old stoves have a lot of 'adjustments' if you know where to look.


cookiecrumb said...

Greg: I love eating well for cheap! Nice. When I was a kid and grew my first crop of radishes, I was totally stoked to have "free" food. And your oven is really pretty.
Bigs: You are so glad you didn't get that 3.5k rig. Boy $170 sounds brilliant. I had an ancient Wedgewood at my last place (with red knobs!). The oven pilot ran so hot, it was scary. I may blog a photo of it sometime.
Also, your post on old cookbooks inspires me to start talking about that kinda stuff.
Back to Greg: Your Point Reyes Station market pictures are so nice, I'm not even gonna try. Well, I might. Finally got that Nikon beast up and running.