Happy Birthday Matt and Oskar |
The name of this blog is Life's a Picnic but we rarely ever go to a picnic, today's post changes that. A couple of weeks ago we were invited by a long time friend to attend a picnic celebrating her son's thirtieth birthday. His childhood friend was turning thirty as well so the two moms got together and produced a party. We were asked to bring a side dish to go with chicken, tri-tip, hot dogs and sausages. It was decided that macaroni and cheese would be a hit so we searched recipes for a large group and found this
one. Be advised that we did change the recipe by adding Mozzarella, Swiss/Gruyere and Monterey Jack cheeses as well as some things I don't even know. It was fun to show up and have fun. I went into my camera geek mode. I took the son's wedding photos and the friend was best man so I recognized most everyone. There were kids playing and new babies, a photographer's dream. The food was wonderful and I tasted some of the best wine I've ever had. It turns out that the friend's dad is a sales rep for
Heitz Cellar in Napa; this was not your average picnic wine! A good time was the order of the day. Life's a Picnic!
I'd love to see more of these photos if you have a Flickr account, or some such...
Zoomie- I sent them to your gmail :)
That sound like a yummy time. That is one nice grill too.
Chilebrown- Those are two grills side by side with a sink in the middle. A nifty set up you can rent in Miwok Park.
It's about TIME you had a picnic. Looks good.
cookiecrumb- This was a brilliant way to picnic. I didn't have to do much work. :)
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