Friday, March 13, 2015

Princess Mexico Cruise Redone

I always like to stay the night before a cruise within walking distance of the port. Does that mean I'll walk? Not likely! This trip we hit the Hyatt Regency San Fran. To say we got a room with a view would be an understatement.
Room with a view Hyatt Regency San Francisco

The hotel was  bustling with a convention group. Of all things it was the International Cannabis Business Convention! Talk about potluck! I digress. At dinner time we walked the Embarcadero Plaza and stumbled across happy hour at Crystal Jade Jiang Nan. Wine,  fried food, conviviality and  a sexy atmosphere made for a great evening.
Mixed Mushrooms - Happy Hour Crystal Jade Jiang Nan S.F.

Fried Chicken - Happy Hour Crystal Jade Jiang Nan S.F.

Let the cruising begin!


Zoomie said...

Such a good idea to stay close to the pier when catching a ship the next day!

Greg said...

Zoomie- It also starts the vacation a day earlier :)