Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Call Me Gregor the Greek

Avril's lunch salad had a Greek influence today. I tossed cucumbers, tomatoes and onions over romaine lettuce. I topped it with Feta Cheese and made a tangy oregano scented vinaigrette to add at lunch time. If I had olives I would have flung them in there too. OPA!

Photobucket Greek inspired salad


Zoomie said...

You should start your own lunch business - all your customers would need to do is roll by your house and pick up a delicious and healthy lunch to go!

Greg said...

Zoomie- I have explored the idea. Around here selling food from your home is a big no-no. I would have to have a commercial kitchen, business license, insurance and lots of other red tape. I know that there are kids out there that go underground but they don't have any assets. If anyone even thinks they got sick off your food there would be attorney sharks taking bites of any assets we might have. I'll stick with taking good care of my sweet wife.

april said...

OPA! Ouzo ... OPA! Ouzo... Repeat.

Greg said...

OPA! Ouzo... I fall down...Help me find my clothes!!

cookiecrumb said...

Oh. Buncha drunks. :)

Greg said...

cookiecrumb- April refers to my one and only Ouzo experience. Very hot day, very little food, working over hot grill, couple shots Ouzo.....what's my name again?