Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Travel Photo Gear on a Cruise

We are always trying to maximize our cruise adventure and minimize our travel packing. Who wants to haul and organize tons of clothes and gear on a cruise? A lot of people do! I see huge bags galore and cringe at the sight of them. We constantly review what we carry and try to streamline our "stuff." I still have a little work to do on the clothing and shoe inventory. Avril's shoe fascination has rubbed off on me, although on this trip I only carried two pairs and wore one.  I believe I have the camera gear thing honed.  All my gear is pictured here except my laptop and charging cords. It fits into my duffle bag that I strap to the top of my small rolling bag.
My Cruise Photo Gear
I could probably leave behind the DSLR but it is still my pet. Always have a camera ready because there are many beautiful photo opportunities on a cruise ship.

Next up we arrive in Cabo!

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