Friday, March 21, 2014

Hell Yes Sandwich

We make homemade pizza about once a week, so we normally have fresh mozzarella on hand. If you don't use it up right away it turns into a smelly science project. I wanted to use the last bit on lunch today. The resulting sandwich was not only colorful but very tasty. In my little brain conversation I thought "hell yes that's a great sandwich!" Hence the name "Hell Yes Sandwich!"

Hell Yes! Sandwich

Ingredients :

Slice rustic bread
Grilled Prosciutto
Fresh Mozzarella
Olive Oil
Sliced ripe tomatoes
Fresh Basil
I put the mozz on the bread and put it under the broiler until it melted then add the rest. Hell Yes!



Zoomie said...

Where did you find ripe tomatoes in March?? Lucky you!

Greg said...

Zoomie- They are Trader Joe's Heirloom Medley. I leave them on the counter and never refrigerate. They ripen nicely. Yes are from Mexico. Bueno Si?

Chilebrown said...

Hell yes that looks fabulous. We are heading to Alemany and Ferry Plaza this morning. I need to pick up material for a kumquat fruitcake.

Greg said...

Chilebrown- Have a great day! Kumquat fruitcake? This I gotta see.

Jean | said...

Greg, that's one gorgeous sandwich! I don't think your dad would have ever found one like it in a "joint"! :D